Who am I ?

Pleasing everyone, I’m Alessandro Renato Magri. I am a qualified ultra-mega illustrator, with an academic training at the university ” Accademia Santa Giulia ” located in Brescia. I love illustrating and trying to represent what my ego or intellect thinks and hypothesizes, obviously in a figurative and illustrated key. My technique consists in devouring and making my own what I observe and notice. Whether it’s a technique or a style, it doesn’t matter. Of course, I always add my own, thus creating a personal and more up-to-date version of the technique displayed. Because after all, art is nothing more than copying what others have already done.





As I reason for an illustration


I first look at an illustration style or simple technique through extensive web research or what’s in front of me


As a second step I imagine and the possible illustration, using the technique that I have decided to devour. Adding what I think could improve it to make it unique


In the third step I make the illustration with this new technique, where I try to make what I thought material and direct. It doesn’t always succeed, and it is in fact here that I experiment many times, until almost exhaustion


In the last phase, I file the details and finishing touches until I reach the assumed perfection. My advice is always to experiment a lot, because to do an excellent job, you have to do a lot of apprenticeship.